This deliverable summarizes the output of task T9.4, which is dedicated to the management of intellectual properties and rights as well as the patenting activities. It gives an overview on the different ways how to protect ideas, methods and other innovation generated within the project Hydroptics. Then, the actions that are taken to create awareness...Read More
This deliverable describes all the developments done in dissemination and communication activities of HYDROPTICS project as per November 30, 2021 (M24). In the present deliverable we discuss in details the initial goals of the project in the aspect of dissemination and communication, and show the obtained results, discuss the achievements, the issues, and possible solutions....Read More
This document explains the dissemination plan of the HYDROPTICS project, including detailed description of upcoming actions, the workload of each Partner in the dissemination actions. It describes in details all the dissemination means to be used, the targeted stakeholders, and the special events to participate and organize. Projects website and social media pages are identified...Read More
Within HYDROPTICS project optimization steps to be discussed include two main aspects: optimization of the automated liquid-liquid extraction process and optimization of the key process steps in the water purification plant. Work on this project task will mainly deal with the elaboration of the system requirements and its conceptual design. One of the key points...Read More
This deliverable is an update to D2.3, which discussed the possible standards and regulations that could be relevant for the Hydroptics platform. Many of the identified regulations are intended to guarantee a safe operation of the device, meaning that neither other devices are affected nor persons get injured. The taken measures to ensure safe operation...Read More
This deliverable aims at highlighting the regulatory and standardisation requirements for a future Hydroptics platform. It distinguishes between the EU-directives (regulations) that must be fulfilled regardless, and the standards that could be applied in order to comply with these regulations. Special care has been taken to cover both the regulations within the European Union as...Read More
The document outlines the common legal framework for HYDROPTICS’s consortium to take into consideration during research and realization phases of the project. It provides a first guidance on compliance with privacy and data protection issues that might arise during the project. The deliverable also identifies and describes the risks in the above-mentioned areas that might...Read More
The purpose of this document is to propose a structured methodology for conducting an Ethical Impact Assessment (EIA), which reflects both the existing literature and the Research and Innovation (R&I) practice, tailoring it to the way R&I projects are organised. The methodology is both structured, by laying down clear steps and criteria, by providing options...Read More