Broadband tunable QCL based sensor for online and inline detection of contaminants in water. EC Horizon 2020 ICT-2016.
websiteQCL-based analysis of liquids (water) for detection of biochemical agents (bacteria). Relation to HYDROPTICS: WaterSpy project involved the development of a system of performing QCL-based spectroscopic analysis of liquid samples, much like urine and breast milk analysis.
websiteNUTRISHIELD aims to integrate all the re- quired elements (laboratory techniques, methodologies, ICT devices & applications, algorithms and other compo- nents) into one platform and validate it in clinical conditions, as a new tool for fact-based personalised nutrition based on monitored biomarker data and monitored food intake by actively engaging the users, thus creating the conditions for reducing diet-related health disorders.
websiteICT-28-2015 – Cross-cutting ICT KETs: Mid InfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications. The MIRPHAB (Mid InfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications) consortium will establish a pilot line to serve the growing needs of European industry in the field of analytical micro-sensors.
websiteThe goal of this project was the development of new Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) light sources for sensing and security applications. In the range from 3 to 12 μm many chemicals which are the source of safety and security issues have strong characteristic absorption lines. QRT developed an analyser for the determination of contaminations in Jet Fuel based on the new QCL-technology developed in MIRIFISENS.
websitePETRochemical Analyzer: a prototype instrument for optical on-line analysis in petrochemical process streams. It will quantify percent level composition of hydrocarbon mixtures and detect trace-level (parts-per-million) contaminants in an ethylene matrix. Such a product will replace high-maintenance chromatographs. The consortium will exploit disruptive broadband laser technology in the mid infrared spectral region to develop such an optical analytical tool.
website“Sensor Optical Multi-purpose Mid-IR Applications”