D7.4 – Report on the results of sensor platform prototype testing

A new prototype needed to be designed, built, and assembled. Here, a modular approach was chosen to design 3 prototypes tailored to the requirements. The 3 assembled prototypes are listed below:

TUW prototype SAL prototype TUPRAS prototype

The TUW prototype includes the system for extracting oil from the process water stream and the separation of the aqueous and organic phase followed by the quantification of oil using quantum cascade laser (QCL)-based infrared spectroscopy. The SAL prototype uses white light-, fluorescence light-, and hyperspectral imaging in combination with ultrasound manipulation to analyze particles in the process water stream. The TUPRAS prototype contains a broadband infrared spectrometer to identify the hydrocarbons present in the stream. A more detailed description can be found in Deliverables D7.3 and D7.7.

For each prototype, tests were performed for the individual racks and modules, as well as the assembled prototype to ensure their function and applicability in the field. The tests included safety inspections by external specialists as well as performance tests to characterize the system. A detailed description of the performed tests can be found in the following chapters.

The tests performed on the TUW prototype were concluded on 13/10/2023 and the prototype shipped to OMV for field testing on 16/10/2023.

The tests performed on the SAL prototype were concluded on 2023/10/20 and the prototype shipped to OMV for field testing on 23/10/2023.

The tests performed on the TUPRAS prototype were concluded on 27/10/2023 and the prototype shipped to TUPRAS for field testing on 09/11/2023.

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