This deliverable aims at highlighting the regulatory and standardisation requirements for a future Hydroptics platform. It distinguishes between the EU-directives (regulations) that must be fulfilled regardless, and the standards that could be applied in order to comply with these regulations. Special care has been taken to cover both the regulations within the European Union as well as in Turkey as these are the two locations of the End-users where the Hydroptics platform will be deployed. The document has been set up such that the regulations are covered first. Here an extensive list of applicable regulations (including a summary of each) was prepared. Furthermore, they have been put into context by describing how they might apply to the Hydroptics platform by providing specific use-case examples. Relevant standards are also listed in this summary and explained in detail in the following chapter. Finally, a roadmap to the standardisation of the Hydroptics platform is presented by proposing a CEN/CENELEC Workshop agreement in case not all aspects of the product are standardised.